The Billy Plan (Le Plan Billy) : 5 - NATO and the Army - know how to ask.
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Q: When a little guy needs help from a big guy, what should the little guy do?
Ans. : Ask for it.
Macedonia asked NATO for some help.
NATO replied, said yes, and took action.
Macedonia now has ventilators that it needed and did not have.
Thank you NATO.
Does Stavelot need ventilators today? Perhaps not.
Will Stavelot need vantilators in the near future? No one knows.
If not ventilators, think of the other things that Stavelot already needs to counter the rising Total Cases each day.
Find the right contacts. Here they are: @NATO and @NATOPress).
Then make up your list.
Send it to NATO.
Then, prepare mentally to receive.
Prepare physically to receive what you have asked for.
If you don't know how, ask how to receive. It's not a handout. It's called Humanitarian Aid.
Don't want to try to live through this pandemic all alone? Then begin to see yourself as an essential part of the world that must be saved. See Stavelot as essential to the World.
The World will respond.
26 October : Know when to go fast >>>>>>>>>>
29 October : From Ideas to ACTIONS >>>>>>>>>
30 October : From Idea to MORE ACTION >>>>>>
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