The Billy Plan (Le Plan Billy) - 3 - Overview

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This must be a cooperatve effort. Or there is no "Billy Plan."


The component parts are :


Overview - BP



1.) The Setting describes the need.


The Setting has already been presented. 


Today's reported cases of people positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Stavelot, increased once again to 338 from 311 yesterday and 298 the day before. That rate of increase should be its own motivator to action. That has also been covered elsewhere. "Be fast. Have No Regrets.  if you need to be right before you move, you will never win."


2.) Sealing the borders. 

Who can enter? Who passes through?
ID bracelets identify those who belong to 4970 Stavelot.
If you know Stavelot, get a similar visual image as the city's entry control points during Laetare.
Those who must pass and enter, for to-and-from work travel for example,  must be identified as a group.

Which are still permitted, and which are not? This is a task for the team involved in this topic.
DO what works. DO it quickly.


Actually, the entire city borders of Stavelot represents the first set of limits. Behavior therein should be in many ways, very similar to that in "The Colony." (see below)

Sealing the borders is the only way to get control of the system.

Think of all those positive cases brought back to Belgium recently from "red zones," by thoughless travellers. We are now learning what is more important: one's health or a vacation. Many chose the wrong answer.


3.) NATO (l'OTAN) and the Army

What is required  in steps 4.) and 5.) of the Billy Plan will not happen if one thinks that one can do this with local resources only. This problem is in fact already much larger than just setting up for the Laetare, and sweeping up the streets afterwards. Humanitarian aid is required right now from those who address wars, natural disasters, and major epidemics. This is now a major epidemic. Providing, moving, and installing facilities and materiel is what successful armies are all about. Stavelot needs the Army.


4.) The Colony

Step number 5.) of the Billy Plan will quickly generate many positive results. These are people who have the virus, and can unwillingly transmit it to those who do not. To stop that chain of transmission, positive cases must and will be separated from the population. It is known that at least 70% of such transmissions of the virus happen at home. Subsequently, family members go out to transmit elsewhere: schools, universities, at work, on the bus. Those admitted to "The Colony" are not placed there for punishment for their positive SARS-CoV-2 status. People in quarantine need to be supported. These are not "camps" with names written above the entrance that still echo in our memory. The population of Stavelot loves it's public amusemuents, and is known for these. Many days do not pass on the calendar before the next feast is welcomed. "The Colony" will have its amusements: Stavelot-style. It will support its residents so they know they are cared for. SO they know that they are in the right place.


5.) Testing

One enters The Colony becasue one has tested postive for SARS-CoV-2. The Belgian Public Health system has set many limits on testing. Some for obvious reasons: no reagents or other materiel was the first. But those days are now behind us. And the testing philosphy that grows out of these valid concerns, today recommending testing only symptomatic individuals, is simply wrong. The populace must also understand that a negative test today or yesterday, should not be taken as a passport to then doing whatever you want. You could be positive tomorrow and bring it home to your family.


More will be appearing on our specific approach to testing as this Plan gets implemented.


The entire population of Stavelot will be tested. A laboratory in Liège that can handle 8000 tests per day has been hampered and manacled by legal debate and unthinking court decisions. Now that must end. We have already seen how the Ghlin region of Mons is moving ahead. What is Stavelot waiting for? All of Stavelot will be tested once a week, for 3 subsequent weeks. If the testing method used has a significant error rate, then all positives will be followed up with a "golden standard" test with better sensitivty and specificity. Discharge from The Colony happens only after 14 days, and a negative test on two sequential days. If someone asks you to contribute 5 or 10€ to pay for your test, reach into your pocket, and do so with a smile. Think of how many times you reached into that same pocket for 50€ to pay for a round of drinks for your friends.


6.) Finance, Policy and Politics

The latter of the three is mentioned only to be cautioned against. If "L'Union Fait La Force," this is not the time for division into groups as Belgium still witnesses this day. Community acceptance is essential. Communication, coherence, coordination will not manifest if that acceptance is absent. Then we can each just wait our turn for the next available hospital bed. What was not done in a timely fashion before today, is why the hospital beds are filling up as we write this. Those with expertise in finance, policy and management, and a desire to help arising in present urgency, must be present and not absent from the effort, as too often happens. WIthout their participation and contribution, the "Billy Plan" is nonexistant.


If the above outline has already raised many clouds of objection, questionning and perceived problems, that's good. The opportunity exists today, for you to join with others and find needed answers for all of these. It's a Challenge. Accept Defeat? Certainly not at this time when the virus has already successfully established its beach head in our city.


All that's missing is your signature on the contract that says you will do your part to end the epidemic in Stavelot. And you can write that contract however you like.


You know better than anyone else, your personal gifts that will help save this great little town.




If this all sounds like several different goals, or too complicated prcedurally, let me state to be clear just one overriding goal : to break the chains of transmission of this virus.

Too much time has already been lost.

There should be NO further waiting.




Eventually Stavelot may put up another little monument, with a few words carved in grey stone:



"This is where the people of Stavelot, brought an end to the pandemic."


it will be placed where "The Colony" was once located.

In memory of all those who believed and took action, even when quite afraid to do so.

WIth a little luck now, they will have merited that honor.




26 October : Know when to go fast >>>>>>>>>>



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Vous allez battre ce coronavirus. You're going to beat this.

(English follows below, at the letter E : )


F :

Cette page apparaîtra toujours en tête des autres articles de cette catégorie.

Actuellement, ceci n'est pas un article. Il s'agit d'une page qui sert de premier lien vers des articles.

Ce sont tous des articles qui décrivent ce que je fais face à divers aspects du défi actuel.

Inévitablement, cela sera influencé par environ 25 ans de formation et de pratique chirurgicales.


Si vous avez déjà lu ce qui suit, cliquez sur ce lien pour accéder à la page qui renvoie facilement à des articles spécifiques.


Le but n'est pas de contredire les conseils d'experts que vous avez déjà obtenus.

C'est pour ajouter à ces conseils. Pour vous aider à façonner votre propre approche. Du lavage des mains (où vous êtes déjà expert) à la préparation d'une solution diluée d'eau de Javel pour décontaminer les surfaces.


Récemment, j'ai placé devant le public un questionnaire sur la façon dont les gens gèrent l'ambiance COVID-19 .

Bien que pas encore terminé, j'ai suffisamment de réponses pour présenter certaines questions. C'est une mauvaise habitude à prendre avant de clore un sondage. Mais j'ai trouvé des réponses inquiétantes. Pourtant, pas surprenantes. Cet espace sera donc guidé par ces réponses pour fournir des informations supplémentaires lorsque nous le pourrons.



  • Les répondants sont de tous âges.
  • Seuls 8% ne sont pas effrayés par l'actualité. 88% éprouvent une crainte et une anxiété modérées à importantes.
  • Une petite majorité (54%) pense qu'ils finiront par être positifs pour cette maladie virale.
  • Les deux tiers pensent que s'ils tombent malades, ils auront une maladie pas trop grave. Un tiers pensait que ce serait probablement grave et nécessiterait une hospitalisation. Personne ne pensait qu'elle ne serait pas malade du tout, ou asymptomatique, bien que positive.
  • 25% n'ont aucun problème avec l'isolement ou l'auto-confinement. La plupart (54%) éprouvent parfois des difficultés.
  • Suivre les directives, les limitations et les conseils du gouvernement est la voie à suivre absolue pour 83% des répondants.


Sans une analyse plus approfondie à ce moment, qui devrait avoir lieu après plus de 30 réponses, ces réponses suggèrent un besoin et une opportunité.


Sans vouloir engendrer trop d'activisme, il est clair que les personnes interrogées jusqu'à présent sont assez favorables aux conseils de leur gouvernement et acceptent ses mesures actuelles restreignant les libertés individuelles pour le bien public. À l'heure actuelle, ce gouvernement n'existe pas encore officiellement, bien qu'il fonctionne quotidiennement. Des décisions ont été prises pour limiter les signalements de localités où l'infection s'est produite, en les regroupant par les trois régions du pays. Même manque d'explication sur l'utilisation de tous les réactifs de test, dans les 6 premiers jours de COVID-19. Un manque de prépara tion semble évident. Ce pays n'est pas le seul à commencer la course bien après que le coronavirus soit bien sorti du bloc de départ.


Un système de triage des tests a été mis en place et existe toujours. La priorité est donnée aux tests effectués sur des personnes dont le médecin demandeur remplit sur le formulaire de demande de test qu'il s'agit d'un cas clinique, urgent. Si vous aviez besoin d'un test, que demanderiez-vous à votre médecin d'écrire?


Nous allons donc utiliser cet espace pour combler les lacunes au mieux à partir d'un ordinateur de bureau.

Ce sera pour partager de petites choses. Des choses qui peuvent changer les habitudes personnelles juste assez pour faire la différence. Juste assez, peut-être, pour sauver une vie.



Nous n'accepterons pas que l'obtention de COVID-19 soit une réponse majoritaire appropriée.

Tout faire pour éviter l'infection et la transmission est la voie que nous devrions tous suivre.


Un pourcentage important, peut-être un tiers, pense qu’à terme, ils tomberont suffisamment malades pour avoir besoin de soins hospitaliers. Ici, nous pensons qu’un mouvement dans cette direction doit être combattu avec véhémence. L'idée de protéger les ressources de santé est importante. La pensée la plus importante est de vous protéger.



Notre devise ici sera:

Je ne l'attraperai pas. Je ne le donnerai pas.

Il ne s'agira pas de recommandations pour modifier ou commenter les décisions politiques.


Il s'agira de faire de petites choses qui pourraient aider.

C'est désormais une priorité. La notification des changements de prévalence de cette maladie, dans le monde et localement en Belgique, aura toujours lieu. Le but de cette pratique est de ne pas se retrouver dans le noir face à où on va, et la vitesse de ce parcours. Cela conduit à plus de panique, d'accidents et de mauvaises décisions. Faire ce que votre voisin a décidé de faire n'est peut-être pas la meilleure décision. Les guerres du passé l'ont prouvé à maintes reprises.


Alors, commençons. Sans plus tergiverser.

Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus pour voir nos suggestions utiles. Ceux-ci seront ajoutés quotidiennement.




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E : This page will always appear first at the head of other articles in this category.

If effect, this is not an article. This is a page that serves as a first to link to articles.

They are all articles that describe what I do when faced with various aspects of the present challenge.

Inevitably, that will be influenced by about 25 years of surgical training and practice.


If you have already read what follows, click this link to go to the page that links in an easy way, to specific articles.


The goal is not to contradict expert advice that you have already obtained.

It is to add to that advice. To help shape your own approach to everything from handwashing to making a dilute solution of Clorox for decontaminating surfaces.


Recently, I placed a questionnaire about how people are dealing with COVID-19 before the public. It is in French, as is its intended audience. 


Though not yet completed, I have enough answers to present some of questions. That's a bad habit to get into before closing a survey. But I found the answers disturbing. Yet, not surprising. So this space will be guided by these responses to provide answers and additional information when we can.



    • The respondants are of all ages.
    • Only 8% are not frightened by current events. 88% experience a moderate to large amount of fear and anxiety.
    • A small majority (54%) believe that they will eventually test positive for this viral illness.
    • Two-thirds believe that if they become sick, they will have a not too severe illness. One-third thought it would proabably be severe and require hospitalization. No one thought that he or she would not be sick at all, or asymptomatic, though testing positive.
    • 25% are having no problem with isolation or auto-confinement. Most (54%) find it at times difficult.
    • Following directives and limitations  and advice from the government, is the absolute right way to go for 83% of the respondents. 


WIthout further analysis, which should happen after more than 30 responses, these answers suggest a need and an opportunity. 


Without wanting to engender too much activism, it is clear that respondents so far are quite condifent in their government's advice and accept its current measures restricting individual liberties for the public good. At present, that government doesn't yet exist officially, though functioning daily. Decisions were taken to limit reports of localities where infection occured, grouping these by the three regions of the country. Same lack of explanation about using up all testing reagents in the first 6 days of COVID-19. A system of triage of tests was put in place and still exists. Priority is given to tests of individuals where the ordering physician completes on the test request form that this is clinically, an urgent case. If you needed a test, what would you ask your doctor to write in ? 


So we'll be using this space to fill in the gaps as best can be done from a desktop computer.

This will be to share little things. Things that may change personal habits just enough to make a difference. Just enough, perhaps, to save a life. 


We will not accept that getting COVID-19 is an appropriate majority response.

Doing all one can to avoid infection and transmission is the path we should all be on.

A significant percentage, perhaps a third, believe that eventually they'll just get sick enough to require hospital care. Here, we feel that a move in that direction should be fought against vehemently. The thought of protecting healthcare resources is an important one. The more important thought, is protecting you.


Our motto here will be : I won't get it. I won't give it.

This will not be about recommendations for sweeping policy decisions. 

It will be about doing small things that might help.


This is now a priority. The reporting of changes in prevalence, worldwide and locally in Belgium will still take place. The goal there is to not find oneself in the dark about where this is going and at what rate. That leads to more panic, accidents, and bad decisions. Doing what your neighbor has decided to do, may not be the best decision. Wars in the past, proved that over and over.


So let's get started.

Click the above link to see our useful suggestions. These will be added to on a daily basis.


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Un Index des articles de cette catégorie (An Index of articles in this category)



F:  L'utilisation de masques semble être un sujet déroutant. Voici notre approche.

E:  Use of masks seems to be a confusing subject. Here's our approach.

Cliquez ici (Click this link)


F:  Pourquoi prendre sa température avant de tomber malade est important.

E:  Why taking your temperature before getting sick is important.

Cliquez ici (Click this link)


F:  Comment préparer un dilution de 1,5% d'eau de Javel pour désinfecter les surfaces.

E: How to prepare a 1.5% dilution of bleach to disinfect surfaces.

Cliquez ici (Click this link)


F:  Que faire avec ses chaussures? Elle peuvent rentrer le coronavirus chez vous? Oui.

E:  Can your shoes bring in a few coronaviruses to check out your house? You bet.

Cliquez ici (Click this link)


E:  What about all your paper money that you have to count each day? Take no risks. 

Put it in a manila envelope, and send it to us.

Cliquez ici (Click this link)



----- d'autres sources -----


F:   Si vous vivez avec une personne atteinte du COVID-19: Conseils de SPF Santé publique.







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The Billy Plan (Le Plan Billy) - Forum - guidelines for posting

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Power to the people !

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Thank goodness that the people of the world are no longer falling for this "mitigation strategy" scam!
Here below we see March 24, 2020.
Along with our increasing herd immunity, we have clearly obtained a significant level of herd wisdom, mental clarity and independence from the clustered devious minds of power brokers who continue to take us all for their flock of thrice vaccinated sheep !
Don't delay ! Organize today your next 'spin the bottle' party and invite your local representatives and all their staff members to attend ! Share your immunity openly and frequently !
Power to the unvaccinated !
Here below, Fortune Magazine had captured this scandalous moment in our world's history. Shameful!
Yet another example of putting people into camps, to confirm one's political power !
Camps that are today, even more cost-effective, since no train ride is involved. Brilliant !


Propaganda is like parents telling their kids that "If they don't eat their vegetables, a monster will eat them while they sleep."
Goebbels quote

Are we sure that Goebbels is dead ? Or did he emigrate to the country where Woodrow Wilson was, before him, an excellent developer of American propaganda. Read the book "Fake News" (published 1920).

You can't have a democracy, without transparency. Who is shaping your views?
"I found myself agreeing with everything you said, until I realized that you were talking about me."
- Socrates at his trial        

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