Testing for COVID-19 as seen in the world

Take a second to look at this little video.


Then try to explain why the results are as shown.


Clearly, not everyone is on the same wavelength.



The Youtube link if needed:


Fitting today's results of testing locally here in Belgium with these findings, is not easily done.


Is "find them fast" before they "get really sick" : "early detection/ early treatment,"  what we're seeing in these results?


How can outcomes so far observed from testing during this pandemic, help define the right balance?


As we group together to try and interpret these various and often confusing results of laboratory tests, let's not forget the most useful thing to do :


When all else fails, let's examine the patient.


Not everybody is up for that : "What?! Examine the patient and catch the virus?! No thanks!"



23 March, 2020 : I have added an update to this article. While primarily concerned with the Netherlands' new approach to managing COVID-19, this newer article also contains some interesting data related to world practices for testing for the virus, and related to outcomes. Have a look.


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